Since January 2022, city2science has been supporting the city of Paderborn in the application process for the European Heritage Label in 2025. To develop innovative project ideas, we are planning a makerthon in October 2022 entitled HUMAN.WATER.CULTURE with European youth.
The “Urban Water Landscape Paderborn”, is a unique natural, cultural and economic space for Europe in the heart of a medium-sized European city. The aim of Paderborn’s application for the European Heritage Label is to further develop the significance of the “Urban Water Landscape Paderborn” in the context of ecology, economy and cultural heritage in a future-oriented way. In cooperation with the city of Paderborn, city2science is planning a makerthon on these topics, inviting European youth to develop ideas for a project that will become a central component of the application for the European Heritage Label.

The makerthon HUMAN.WATER.CULTURE will address the challenge of a sustainable use of water. The questions of the makerthon are relevant for Paderborn, but also for other European regions. Cultural aspects such as hygiene and the supply of drinking water and wastewater, but also economic aspects such as the transport of goods or fishing are part of the uses of water today and in the past. In addition, water has always been an attractive location factor. However, the use of water was and is not always sustainable. It is time to create a sustainable interaction between humans and nature. The makerthon HUMAN.WATER.CULTURE will take place from October 14-18, 2022 as a hybrid format in Paderborn as well as online in different European countries.