Training Public Engagement, Open Innovation and Transfer, HHU Düsseldorf
The interactive english speaking online training from 3-4 November 2021 [...]
Public Engagement Training within the “PIER Partnership” – DESY and Universität Hamburg
What is public engagement and what role does it play [...]
Online-Training with young researchers from TU Dortmund
The start of this years' winter semester in Germany for [...]
Public Engagement Training in Bochum!
Our first on-site Training in Public Engagement and Science Communication [...]
Social Makerthon #CreateYourope ist part of “Europe week NRW”
How can we shape, co-create and develop a sustainable Europe [...]
Public Engagement Training University of Duisburg-Essen
One-Day-Training with PHD-students of the University of Duisburg-Essen The Public [...]
Start of the “Expedition Science” this week!
This week Paderborn’s city centre is set to be transformed [...]
SciComm Workshop series at Ruhr University Bochum
“Connect your research to the world” was the topic of [...]
SciComm Training German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Two inspiring and compact workshop days with 40 PhD students [...]
We are happy to support a Science Festival in Paderborn!
An entire city becomes a participatory laboratory! The planning has [...]