Shaping the Future Together – First Milestone Achieved between City and University in Wolfsburg
Cooperation Agreement Signed Between the City of Wolfsburg and Ostfalia [...]
Cooperation Agreement Signed Between the City of Wolfsburg and Ostfalia [...]
SciCultureD’s Legacy: Open Education, Creativity, and Collaboration for Social Change [...]
🌟 Reflections on the Premiere of the Certificate Program "Shaping [...]
On 29 November 2023, city2science organized, together with UniverCity Bochum [...]
On 19 and 20 October 2023, city2science accompanied and moderated [...]
Another year of global crises and complex [...]
16 creative minds between 16 and 60 from 5 different [...]
Seldomly a year was so composed of challenges as well [...]
June 2 we were invited to facilitate a workshop to [...]
On 5 December 2017 city2science was invited to design and [...]