Since 2018, we have been designing and facilitating training in the field of science communication and public engagement. The interactively structured trainings equip scientists of all disciplines for communication and engagement with diverse stakeholders. Usually we have around 20-30 participants in our trainings.

New challenge: 180 students

Our training for the Polytechnic University of Milan posed a new challenge for us: How to engage about 180 students in a virtual training? A challenge that we overcame by using interactive tools such as Mentimeter and Mural, dividing the students into breakout groups, and encouraging participants to take part in the discussion and exercises we offered them. It was different to the online trainings we are used to where you see all participants at all times and can work with them directly. But it still worked well and the participant collaborated with each other during the exercise phases.

pictures: wordclouds from the training. On the left associations with  “science”, on the right associations with “communication”.

Science Festival in the city

Divided into six groups the students developed ideas for a science festival in a city. They inlcuded bars, public parcs and playgrounds in the design of their festivals. One idea was to use different restaurants and different kinds of food to engage with different audiences on research topics. Another idea was a science karaoke, using music from famous songs to “sing” scientific topics changing lyrics of the songs. One group planned to offer practical experiments with prism and lights on a playground.

Trainings in Science communication and Public Engagement

If you are interested in offering trainings in science communication and public engagement at you institution, you will find more information here. Besides an introduction to science communication and public engagement we also offer trainings in the area of funding, transfer or open innovation. All our training programmes are possible in English or German and on-site or online.