Do you know how to thrill your audience? Are you able to fascinate families with brilliant performances and mind-blowing effects? Can you present science in a fascinating and entertaining way? If your answer is “YES”, send us your application!

We are looking for the best Science Shows for ScienceNight Ruhr, 28 September 2018 in Knowledge Metropolis Ruhr! What we need from you? A short abstract including

  • Title and short desciption of your show or performance;
  • References, including picures and/or videos;
  • Information on salaries and extra-costs, including travels and technical support;
  • Technical rider including size of the stage needed, potential risks (fire etc.)

Please send your applications until January 12 2018 to

ScienceNight Ruhr ( is one of the youngest and largest Science Festivals in Germany. Every two years this polycentric Researchers’ Night turns the dynamic Ruhr Region into a swirling “Knowledge Metropolis”. More than 400 scientists from vious scientific institutions present a dialogue-oriented, interactive programme in more than 6 different cities. The main target groups of ScienceNight Ruhr are families, as well as students and young professionals and of course everybody interested in research and science.

The Ruhr Metropolis in North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest urban agglomeration in Germany. In this post-industrialized region with about 5.2 million inhabitants, ScienceNight Ruhr invites thousands of visitors of all ages to enjoy, experience and debate science. As a biannual format ScienceNight Ruhr is a landmark of the region’s strategic development from a post-industrial region, still shaped by a strong tradition of coal mining and steel production, into a dynamic “Knowledge Metropolis”. ScienceNight Ruhr is seen as an essential element in this development process – emphasizing the role of science and innovation as a motor for sustainable economic and socio-cultural development.

The festival will be organized in the whole Ruhr Metropolis. ScienceNight Ruhr is organized by the Ruhr Regional Association in close collaboration with a large number of Universities and Scientific Institutions.